
Thursday 6 June 2013

Steps to Download / Upload Roles into SAP System - Shortcut for the STMS?

This is a workaround solution that should only be used during critical situation such as unforeseen circumstances occur to the DEV / QAS / PRD systems. Ex: during hardware failure disaster.

You caught into situation where QAS server hardware failure and required to deliver an urgent authorization fix in PRD environment. (In this sample, we'll focus on solution: Option 2)

Option 1: Fix the authorization issue directly in PRD environment which is the fastest solution with higher risk in impacting the users if anything go wrong

Option 2: Download the roles from PRD and upload it into DEV for fixes and further testing. Upload the enhance roles back into PRD

On Prod system

Step 1: Goto "PFCG" and enter the role to be download from 

Step 2: Select the role to be download into local PC

Step 3: Save it into local drive

On Dev System
Step 1: In PFCG, select “upload”  and choose the downloaded role from PRD

Step 2: Once upload complete modify the imported role accordingly for the required fix and don't forget to click the “Generate” button after it

Step 3: Select “User” tab and click “User Comparison” if required 

Step 4: Click Complete comparison

Step 5: In "SU01" select “Profiles” tab from assigned user and verify whether the “T-DVxxx” been generated to ensure everything is ok

We're not done yet...
Once the authorization UAT in DEV environment is ready, repeat the process in vice versa manner. By downloading the updated roles from DEV and upload it back into the PRD environment.

** Don't forget to create an transport request for the all the roles changes from DEV->QAS->PRD once the QAS hardware issue resolve to ensure all the roles are in sync in all systems.

Note: This method is workable with composite role as well to cater for multiple roles download and upload in one goal instead repeat the process multiple times for every single role that need modification.

Hope this help for some of the SAP Basis admin .... :)

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