
Friday 14 June 2013

How to Generate Oracle Workload Repository Report for Database Analysis

Looking for some Oracle database performance reporting? The "Workload Repository Report" is one of the report that contains important information for the database performance analysis.

The steps cover below are using HP-UX environment:

1) Login to the system with root permission and goto "/oracle/PRD/112_64/rdbms/admin" 

2) Connect to "sqlplus" for reports generation
     - #su -oraprd
     - #cd /oracle/PRD/112_64/rdbms/admin/
     - #Sqlplus / as sysdba
     - #SQL> @awrrpt.sql

3) Follow the screen instruction. Ex: Slelect the output file format (html), enter the days value for the reporting etc.

4) Follow by entering the relevant snap id range

5) Wait until the report been generated.

6) Here you go the sample "awrrpt.sql" report

Simple isn't...


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